
Critics: Ada Tolla & Giuseppe Lignano

Six materials: concrete, plastic, metal, glass, brick and wood. One invisible cube of 12x12x12 inches as a constrain. Through making we discovered our obsession, we questioned them and made advanced them. By playing with the different materials I explore their properties. If it is dense and heavy how can I produce voids? If it is lightweight and transparent how can I use the reflections or joints? I am obsessed with accumulation and how it becomes a structure. I do not want to create a structure that only stands by itself, I am interested in structures that generate paths and connections. How can I design spaces with a single structure in a cubical constrain? These explorations were also an opportunity for writing. I dug into my deepest child memories. I pushed myself to make and play as a 5 year old kid. What can I do with my dad’s popsicles? How can I play with my mom’s cooking ingredients? Where can I jump or hide? How can I change the shape of my game? Some of my obsessions have always been in my mind, and I just had to play and translate them into cubes.

Columbia University, GSAPP


The Duel


Beyond the Sea